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Nerdcompoop: The Podcast - Episode 06: Sorry Jesus

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Join our intrepid explorers as they delve into a bunch of really insanely relevant and interesting topics such as:

Doctor Who
Why stuff is closed on Sunday
A really in-depth look at Aron's new phone

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Have a topic you'd like us to discuss, or maybe you want to join us for an episode? Send an email:

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Galactico VS Death Duel

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This exciting episode is part 1 of a 3 part Halloween special so be sure to keep an eye out for the other two in October. Our hero battles a game with a ton of potential however it seems to fall just short of being good. Before that weirdness, he also designs a robot with an artificial intelligence. Enjoy, comment, like, subscribe, and share!

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Galactico VS Wolf Child

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Wolf Child is a game that I never heard of while growing up. It's weird to think of a world without the Internet to constantly make you aware of a large quantity of video games. That being said, I can kind of see why I never heard of it. It is fairly average, but I still found it fun. Wolf Child isn't exactly a diamond in the rough, but it still shines. It has a killer soundtrack and neat animation style. Wolf Child also reminds me of a game that any one who played Genesis has played, and that is Altered Beast. I guess you could say it is the Shadow Dancer of Altered Beast games. Enjoy the video and be sure to thumbs up and subscribe.

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Galactico VS Contra Hard Corps (Alternate Ending)

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Sega Galactico has a new home here at Nerdcompoop so expect future releases to be right here (or just subscribe to the YouTube channel.)

In this episode we get another appearance by the fan favorite guest star of Elite Gamer 5nitch. Watch as he plays a weird indie game before our hero Galactico shows off a wacky alternate ending to the insanely difficult shooter.

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Nerdcompoop: The Podcast - Episode 05: Beef Broth Enema

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It's been a while, but Jessie and Aron are back with some interesting topics:

-A neat new soup recipe
-We talk about some of our current favorite TV shows
-And so much more nonsense, you'll have to listen to believe it.

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Review Poop: Galak-Z: The Dimensional (PS4)

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Science Fiction is a fantastic genre and often gets even better when in the realm of Japanese Animation.

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Review Poop: Dungeon of the Endless (Steam)

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There is an endless sea of games available on Steam and unless you’ve been locked in a dungeon chances are you have played a few. With the amount of games being released, it can be easy to miss out on some really great gems. One of these gems is nearly a year old, and I wish I had played it sooner, but regardless I am glad I have been playing Dungeon of the Endless.

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Review Poop: Rocket League (PS4, Steam)

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Sometimes describing a game’s premise can sound so underwhelming that you always have to preface it with more information. This is exactly how I have felt about Psyonix’s new game Rocket League which is a sequel to a game I had unfortunately never heard of: Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars. Talk about a mouthful.

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Comic Poop Issue 2

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Comic Poop Issue 1

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Comic Poop is a quick rundown of what comics I've been reading. Sure, it might not be exactly up to date, but it should at least be current. Who knows, there might be some classics too.

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Would You Like Some Toast? | S01E01 The End

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It's the pilot episode of Would You Like Some Toast? --  The brand new Red Dwarf commentary podcast! Watch your along or just listen as we discuss whats going on in each episode and more than likely venture off on some wacky tangents. Your hosts are Sarah (from England) and Jessie (an American).

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Nerdcompoop: The Podcast - Episode 04: Meat Rocket OUT!

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Listen to Jessie and Aron as they talk about:

-Daredevil and Game of Thrones (probably for the last time this year).
-Avengers: Age of Ultron
-Weed in space
-Sex in space

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Nerdcompoop: The Podcast - Episode 03: Nothin' Wrong With a Butt Licker

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Join our intrepid hosts Jessie and Aron as they discuss:

-The Last Man on Earth
-Game of Thrones
-We tried to talk about Age of Ultron, but Aron hadn't seen it yet.
-An easy way to get out of being arrested

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Sports Fans Are Nerds Too!

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For thousands of years a battle has been raging across the globe. Either you were a nerdy kid who liked comics and video games or you were the quarterback of the football team and knew the batting average for every player who swung a bat for Pittsburgh Pirates. Truth is, we are more alike than you think.

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Nerdcompoop: The Podcast - Episode 02: The Iceman Factor

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Rather than wait for my currently insane schedule to clear up, I decided to put this episode up in its mostly unedited form. I think you will still enjoy listening (not like I did much editing anyway).

Join Jessie and Aron as they discuss:
Gay Iceman
Dark Horse Star Wars Comics
Daredevil on Netflix
Silicon Valley
Game of Thrones

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Nerdcompoop: The Podcast - Episode 01: The Julianna Margulies Factor

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Join your intrepid and nerdy hosts Jessie and Aron as they delve into the latest batch of their nerdy interest, not just banter about Julianna Margulies's legs:

The Good Wife
Jessie's obsession with Blizzard games

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Nerdcompoop: The Podcast: The Pilot (Episode 00)

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Let's face it: the Internet is an ugly thing full of a whole lot of Negative Nancys. We here at Nerdcompoop have had enough and have decided to make an outlet we can use to talk only about things we love.

Join us as we try out a podcast. We sincerely hope you enjoy it!

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